Human Resources
If a company is a live organism,
then the people working for it, are its heart.
When the heart is strong, the organism is healthy,
moves ahead, sets goals and achieves them...

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A story of success
ZX FAMI Ltd is a company that designs, creates, manufactures, bottles and delivers own and Private Label products.
ZX FAMI Ltd has 50 years of experience in the field of manufacturing cosmetics and detergents.

Research that leads to… Novelty!
Some believe in "believe but not doubt"...
Our company stands for exactly the opposite:
We believe in research.
Research that leads to development
Watch Video - Presentation
Research is a fundamental success factor for a company in the Private Label industry. However, research needs the appropriate structure in order to bring results, that is high quality, innovative products.
- Fully equipped R & D department
- Trained scientists to contact the researcht
- Monitoring of the market worldwide
- Cooperation with scientific centers in Cyprus and abroad
- 50 years of experience in our industry
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