Total Quality from A to Z

The persistence to every detail and the strong will for improvement, lead to products that stand out...


When the destination is your Vision, your Mission the means and your Values your strength, then you can achieve the highest goal...

A story of success

ZX FAMI Ltd is a company that designs, creates, manufactures, bottles and delivers own and Private Label products. ZX FAMI Ltd has 50 years of experience in the field of manufacturing cosmetics and detergents.

Contact ZX Fami Ltd

To find out more about ZX Fami Ltd please feel free to contact us.

Just send us an email at

You can also call us at +35722622788 or send a fax at +35722623770.

Athinon 9 Ergates
Industrial Estate 2643
P.O. Box 12115
Nicosia, Cyprus

ZX Fami@Facebook

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