Research & Development

Some believe in "believe but not doubt"... Our company stands for exactly the opposite: We believe in research. Research that leads to development.

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A story of success

ZX FAMI Ltd is a company that designs, creates, manufactures, bottles and delivers own and Private Label products. ZX FAMI Ltd has 50 years of experience in the field of manufacturing cosmetics and detergents.

One of the most basic factors of success: The human one!

If a company is a live organism, then the people working for it, are its heart. When the heart is strong, the organism is healthy, moves ahead, sets goals and achieves them...

No matter how high is the technology of a company’s equipment, a company cannot exist without people. People in ZX FAMI Ltd are more than employees, they are an asset.

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They are chosen with criteria that go beyond their academic knowledge. This choice is based on their ethics, moral, personality, the will to do better and their team spirit. People with abilities, knowledge, dynamism and motivation, create a company that is highly productive, with a strong vision for the future.

Aiming at the empowerment of our people, ZX FAMI Ltd funds training seminars in Cyprus and abroad that refer to a wide spectrum of knowledge (techniques, new technology, marketing, management etc).

In ZX FAMI Ltd we want to be a team of dynamic people that love their work, share new ideas and have a strong will to make steps forward. in our industry

If you are interested in working at ZX Fami Ltd, just send us your Curriculum Vitae to our Human Resource Department at .
ZX Fami@Facebook

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