Social and Corporate Responsibility
”If you want to have it, you should care for it”
is an old Greek saying.
Nowadays that the destruction of the environment
worries the whole world,
this saying sounds more valid than ever...

When the destination is your Vision, your Mission the means and your Values your strength, then you can achieve the highest goal...

Total Quality from A to Z
The persistence to every detail and the strong will for improvement, lead to products that stand out...

Commitment to Quality with… a Seal!
From the first day of our company’s operation, quality is our number one priority.
In order to secure the highest quality of our products and services, we use new technology, we contact thorough and frequent checks, we train our people, we do research, we design, we try different methods and formulas…
Our effort is certified by international organizations with standards of quality applied worldwide.
- ISO 9001 / Quality Management
- OHSAS 18001 / Health and Safety management in the working environment
- ISO 14001 / Protection of the Environment Management
- Award of Quality given by the Minister of Commerce of the Cyprus Democracy
- CyAQ (Cyprus Association of Quality) member
- Compliance with the European Directive for detergents EU 1999/45/CE
- Compliance with ISO 22716: 2007. Operate under the GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice)
- Operation is accordance to new legislation Ν106(Ι) 2001
- Operation is accordance to the laws 2001-2004 for proper manufacturing practice
- Environmental statement
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